Border Princes Wiki
The Iron Company

The Iron Company

Giovanni Carraciolo (Company Commander, member of Sforza's Court)

Giuliano (Pikeman. Adelbert's nemesis, makes fun of him in front of the ladies)

Luca (Pikeman. Adelbert's nemesis, makes fun of him in front of the sentries)

Beppe (Pikeman. Elsa's one-night stand)

Orfeo (Pikeman. One of Elsa's bodyguards for her "mapping expedition" Now Deceased)

Cesar (Pikeman. One of Elsa's bodyguards for her "mapping expedition")

The Brotherhood of Magritta

Estalian Swordsman

Esteban de Valdes (Company Commander, member of Sforza's Court)

Felipe (Estalian mercenary)

Miguel (Estalian mercenary)

Valentin (Estalian mercenary)

The Ahosi of Danxome

Makeda (Company Commander, member of Sforza's Court)

Oseye (Southlander mercenary)

Etunu (Southlander mercenary)
